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radio 1 breakfast show 

model answer 

explain how popular music radio programmes target, reach and maintain a variety of audiences. Refer to BBC radio 1 breakfast show to support your answer (15 marks)

The uk radio industry is populated by both private and public radio stations: the private sector is dominated by global who own brands like Capital FM and Absolute radio, while the public sector is controlled by the BBC with its 11 national radio brands. The BBC is a public service broadcaster, publicly owned and funded through the TV license. As a result, their channels must meet OFCOM remit such as nurturing UK talent, addressing social issues and educating their audiences. This can be summarised by the retain values of inform educate and entertain. These values are important as the BBC Is not profit driven, and therefore must maintain audiences without using traditional commercial methods 

Radio 1s target demographic is 15-19 year olds, a challenging target given they makeup only 29% of the total radio listening audience. This is directly affected by the generation z audience being more likely to engage with personally curated playlists through sites like Apple and Spotify. One way radio 1 has tried to combat this is by introducing the BBC sounds app, first launched in 2018 whereby audiences can listen radio 1 on their phones and listen to the best bits of the breakfast show with greg James from previous days as well as other bbc content. This is complemented by an above the line tv campaign in which James reinforces the importance of the audience to the success of the radio show. the campaign was shown across the bbc tv stations in 2019/20 through a series of cross promotions achievable through the vertically integrated nature of the BBC 

the radio 1 breakfast show does not depend on commercial revenue, and has resisted calls for it to be privatised as it does not seem to fall in line with the free market the rest of the industry adheres to. It is much maligned for being a pop music station which is seen to be culturally less important than the content of its sister stations radio 4 and 3. Critics say music heard on Radio 1 can be heard on other stations, however, recent research has suggested that only 10% of Radio 1 content can be heard on its competitor stations from the likes of global and therefore it maintains its audience by providing new and exciting content. 

radio 1 

government give tips to BBC (political pressure - try to be neutral) 

question = Explain how popular music radio programmes reach, target and maintain a variety of audiences. refer to BBC 1 breakfast show.  (15marks)


1st para target - who is his target audience and how does he attract you 

2nd para how to reach people - radio(digital and analogue)  Alexa iPhone in car can download podcast and catch up on breakfast show 

para 3  =- maintain - Gregg is very friendly and down to earth and comes up with lots of new ideas - live news and gossip 

also include how radio 1 is a psb 


Above the line campaign - breakfast with greg James - and you.   audience is at the heart of the breakfast show. cares what the audience has to say and think. makes you connect with him 

The start of 2020 9 of the 17 stations witnessed a decline In reach. Greg James is the only station to experience growth instead in the economic yearly quarter. twitter account has 3 million followers and insta has 1.5 mil. 

great British sing along - during lockdown 


Q1: explain how popular music radio programmes target, reach and maintain a variety of audiences refer to bbc radio 1 breakfast show 

ao2 knowledge and understanding and awareness of contexts 

plan- macro 

answer the question - who is the audience 

maintain audience with shows content 

economic and cultural contexts 


There main mission is to inform entertain and educate and their vision is to be the most creative organisation in the world 

- They want to be independent, impartial and honest 

audience will always be the most important 

pride in delivering quality and value for money 


celebrate our diversity so that everyone cam give their best 

great things happen when we word together 


heart and capital are BBC biggest competition

government threatens to shut down BBC and the can heavily influence on some of their shows 

lesson 1 radio 

in 2015 over 40% of all reported radio listeners was via a digital device 

the reach of radio is still high, almost 90% of adults tune in on a weekly basis, and time spent listening to radio increased in 2015. but differences across age gaps 

commercial station - has adverts/ charges for subscription (increases revenue) 

in 2016 15 unique new digital stations were available 

new technology has helped the radio industry evolve and increase in popularity 

public service broadcasting- broadcasting intended for public benefit rather than serve purely commercial interest. it has to be for public service (the responsibility of the broadcasting authorities such as ITV BBC Channel 4 and 5 as dictated by the state)
PSB broadcasters have ti cater for all ages/gender/race/religion/class, etc. They also have to achieve a mix of education, informative and entertainment. 
different remits of different channels
the bbc has a 100% PSB remit
OFCOM are in charge of ensuring broadcasting keep to their PSB remits 
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