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White Fabric


radio 1 show 

jungle book interview

Premier Pro First project (lyric video) 

jungle book interview script 




PARIS      Good morning! Welcome back to GBHS MEDIA. Today, we are interviewing the talented main editor behind the latest movie, The Jungle Book, for an insight as to how it was assembled and what hard work truly went into the production of it. 




    PARIS    Here I have with me Mark Luvolsi, how are you Mark?


    MARK   Hiya (.) I’m doing well thank you, and yourself?


    PARIS  I’m splendid thank you. Starting off, we all would like to know how long exactly did it actually take to get the final product?


    MARK  Well, to be quite honest, it felt like a lifetime. We had many editors working hard and putting in large amounts of effort. Erm, but, it really did pay off in the end. 


    PARIS   Yes, it really did.


    MARK   Erm, it’s hard to pinpoint an exact date but it took years. I mean.. It was a groundbreaking production and shows a true advancement in technology as a whole. 


    PARIS  What technology was used?


    MARK  Well for starters, CGI. Erm, it is the heart of the movie and it really wouldn’t be anything without it obviously so erm we had to perfect that and make it as accurate as possible so we used motion captures to specifically capture the small movements and uh- micro- expressions on the animals. If you look closely, you really can see them.


    PARIS  Interesting.


    MARK  Yes, it honestly is because if you compare the production of the original 1967 Jungle Book of which used xenography and multiplane technology was used, you can see how simply because of the technology, a whole new perception was given. And erm, the realism as well is great to show as evidence of how far the film industry actually has come and I am pleased to say I was part of the evolution of it all.


    PARIS  That must be exciting knowing you were part of something extraordinary. Referring back to the CGI, err- how was that done? Was it green screens or-


    MARK  (laughs) Blue screens. It was quite awkward to film to say the least. Neel Sethi is an incredibly talented young boy and was able to just really put himself into character so well. Of course, he wasn’t actually speaking to animals so for him to be able to perfect the interactions with them is applaudable. 


    PARIS  Impressive. Where were these blue screens and the actual set?


    MARK  A warehouse. (chuckles) So you can imagine how difficult it would be to play such a role. 


    PARIS  Sounds challenging!




What went well with your practical task? I believe we tried to keep all acting equal to the real advertisement- with accents and actions being equal to the original.
What new skills did you learn? I have learnt how to make a sequence or advertisement you have to use a copious of different shots and angles when editing. It isn't that noticeable when looking sub consciously at an advertisement but there are so many different shots and angles rather than one long stretch of filming 
Are you pleased with the outcome? I think for the first time doing something like this with my group the outcome was successful and I am pleased with how it went. 
What would you differently next time? Next time I would perfect by trying to improve the acting quality.
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