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White Fabric


Leaves Shadow

Mise en Scene
At the beginning of the scene you see the whole ship in the middle of the isolated ocean the immediate thought of the titanic appears in the audiences head as the boat looks visually similar. This then conveys that something is going to go wrong with the boat and its going to end in a loss of lives. fairy lights have been hung on the ship to embellish the ship and make it seem magical this could convey the supernormal activity upcoming, but to discretely foreshadow to the audience that these are the cause of destruction and gore later on in the scene. The characters are wearing fancy and rich clothing linking to the types of people on this boat as being the upper class and could depict the personalities of these upper class people. They would also feel very secure and the audience would typically not expect the destruction to happen. The two protagonists are the lady in red and the little girl in white. The red could then connote the ideas of blood and death exploring the idea that she is the cause of the upcoming slaughter. As well as this it could symbolise the devil and explore how she is a malicious character and her actions are similar to the devil. On the other hand the little girl is wearing a white flowing dress conveying her pureness and innocence. This connotes her to being like an angel and explores to the audience she is a considerate character. At the beginning you see the women In red exchanging glances with a man in a suit. This shows they are in a scheming plan together. His suit is different from the other workers showing that he is the dominant mind in the opposition and is in charge. The director has foreshadowed a copious of objects and lights slicing through the frame for example the violin bow and the lights in the long shot of the hall demonstrating the cause of death to all the passengers. At the end of the scene you see the flowers getting cut first to explore how the purity and pleasant people of the boat are all going to perish.
At the beginning of the scene the camera pans up from the sea and floats over giving it the impression of a ghost.The camera adjusts to a close up, eye-level shot of the woman in red singing introducing her as a member of staff on the boat. This then transforms to an over the shoulder shot to let us to see what she is seeing/singing to. later on the camera shows a high/birds-eye shot of the courtyard on the boat with the wire cutting through the middle foreshadowing that this is the cause of destruction and conveys how the guests will be murdered. A close up is the displayed of a man pushing a lever to release the wire, exploring to the audience that this is not an accident and in fact a murder. The camera then zooms through the swarm of guests, which makes the audience the experience a sense disturbance as they begin to unravel what’s happened. It then switches back to the piece of wire cutting through the middle of the screen to validate to the audience what had happened. You see a close up of all the guests faces once they have been cut.
At the start a women is singing a romantic sensual Italian piece this song contradicts the upcoming events.When the camera switches to the guests dancing on the top of the boat, we are able to hear the diegetic sound which gives a sense of realism to the scene. We hear diegetic glasses clinking and dining sounds giving the atmosphere a aroma of elegance. As we see a glove push the lever, the singing gets overridden by the loud clashing of metal which gets progressively louder. This is a non-diegetic sound but it makes the audience feel tense and gives the impression a tragic event is upcoming however the characters haven't got a clue. When the murder takes place the music comes to a complete stop the allow the audience to get a sense of hurt from the wire themselves and helps then feel sympathetic towards the guests but also disgusted at the violence.

Different types of media:




Music videos




Social Media

Paper 1



*Music Videos


Paper 2




*Video Games

If I had to take three of these variations on media it would be:

Magazine - Vogue

Film - The Notebook

Social Media - Tik Tok

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