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Order of narrative

*a simple change from one shot to another
*it keeps pace and drama going in the scene
*it allows the audience to see something else in the scene
*used to cut something out of a scene

Shot Reverse Shot
*editor cuts back and forth from one person to another, whilst intreating
*connote people are either very different or separate
*it is more interesting than a shot with both characters in the frame

Eyeline Match
*editor shows us what a character is seeing
*puts the audience in characters shoes

Graphic Match
*cutting from one shot to another that looks visually similar
*could convey link or similarity two characters or places have

Action Match
*cutting from one shot with movement in it to another shot of that same action from a different angle. it is meant to look like one smooth movement
*adds a sense of realism/ natural feeling

Jump cuts
*cutting a piece of a shot out and not using anything to cover the edit (noticeable jumpy)
*makes it seem amateur
*chaotic, crazy, repetitive feel to it
* takes away the realism in the scene

Cross Cutting
*cutting from one scene in one location to another in a different location
*scene happening at the same time
*communicating a connection

*a short shot breaking up a long scene (could show their hands or a drink being pored)

*two shots blend together
*give the impression time has passed

Fade in
*when a solid colour slowly changes into a shot. The solid colour choice will connote different meanings

Fade out
*shot colour slowly disappears (eg black) - like the end of a film

*pushed of screen onto another screen
*add a fun and comedic hue to the scene
*could suggest something being manipulated on screen

*when a shot or other element - for example graphics are placed on top of another shot (on the news when the reporters name comes up at the bottom, or credits on top of a scene)
*gives audience extra information

Long Takes
*shot on screen for a long time
*uncomfortable awkward sensation for audience
*slows the pace down
*adds suspense

Short takes
*quick cuts
*quick pace adds excitement and dramatises the scene
*this happens in flashbacks
*seen in 500 Days of Summer at start

Slow Motion
*seems dramatic
*attention to every detail

Split screen
*two scenes in one shot
*Happens when people have phone calls
*two locations at once
*could convey their similarities or differences
*takes away realism

*colour drained out of scene

*lots of shots mashed together

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